Light Painting with Lori Adams: Wednesday, March 8 6 PM
Join us for this amazing drop-in program, where you and your family will learn how to "paint" using light! Lori Adams, professional photographer and artist, will demonstrate special effects of long-exposure photography using flashlights, glow sticks, traffic wands and more! After the program, you will be able to download your images for free! Ages 9+, registration required.
2017 Kids' Choice Awards: Saturday, March 11 7:30 PM
Now you can watch the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards on the big screen! Strut down our red carpet in your party clothes and enjoy snacks while watching the 2017 Kids' Choice Awards! Patterson Library Kids' Choice Awards will be given out during commercial breaks, so be sure to prepare your speeches! For grades 1-5, registration required.
Join Patterson Library's 2017 Battle of the Books team! Battle of the books is a fast paced competition team in which we battle other libraries on material found in books read throughout the spring and summer months. Must be entering 6th grade in September 2017. Registration required.
Move and Groove Story Time: Monday, March 20 11 AM OR Thursday, March 23 1 PM
Get ready to sing and dance at this special move and groove story time! From beginning to end we will be dancing and having fun! We will also enjoy books about dancing! For ages 3-5, registration required.
Register online at www.PattersonLibrary.org