On May 16, 2017, officers of the Putnam County SPCA executed a Search & Seizure Warrant at a residence located at 14 Kent Acres Court within the Town of Kent as a result of information received from the Town of Kent Police Department in regards to a high number of animals being kept in deplorable conditions by the resident of said address who had been removed by ambulance due to a medical emergency.
The Putnam County SPCA found a total of 57 adult and young adult cats, 4 kittens, and 9 deceased cats inside the residence. The conditions inside the residence were extremely deplorable, unfit for both human and animal existence. Upon entering the residence, officers observed cat urine soaked floors, feces strewn throughout the home, no available food or clean water for the animals and thick acrid ammonia filled air and overall horrendous conditions. Partially cannibalized bodies of deceased cats were observed in different areas of the home.
The cats were removed from the residence and were immediately transported to the Westchester Animal Hospital in Mount Vernon. Due to the extreme severity of their conditions, five cats passed away overnight while being treated and upon presentation, three (3) were humanely euthanized due to the severity of their conditions. Animal cruelty charges are pending for the resident.
The majority of the cats are currently being cared for by Rescue Right Inc., which is an animal rescue group based out of Northwind Kennels. If you'd like to donate to the care of the animals www.rescueright.org
These cats are safe here with us at Rescue Right. They are clean and comfortable, probably for the first time in their lives. Some are quite thin, and a few are sick with respiratory infections, but our staff and wonderful intern Dalia Weinstein are taking fantastic care of them. After each cat is examined by the vet and had proper vaccines, they will be available for adoption.
How can you help?
1- Adopt! These poor babies didn't ask to be born into terrible conditions. They are sweet, gentle cats who will be great pets, especially if they have a companion feline.
2- Donate: we need cat food, both dry and canned, cat litter (not scoopable), antibacterial wipes, towels, small litter pans, and cat toys. Although none of the cats know how to play in a conventional sense, we are introducing them to the normal life of a cat, and that includes having some fun.
3- We are going to need funds! Please consider making a donation for their care. This is a huge, unexpected project for us. Go to our website, rescueright.org, and click on the "donate" for a link to our PayPal account.
We will post more pictures and updates in the coming days, as we get to know the cats as individuals.
We need some cute name suggestions