Remember voting for American Idol? In Season Five over 64 million people voted and Taylor Hicks won and became a worldwide sensation! This Saturday night Taylor is coming to The Palace Danbury on Saturday, October 21st at 8 p.m. to perform classic Idol hits as well as his new music.
American Idol Meets NBC's The Voice...
Opening the show is Amanda Ayala from NBC's The Voice. Adam Levine, Pharrell Williams, and Blake Shelton all competed with one another to get this talented young rocker from Mahopac on their team. See her in Danbury and be prepared to be blown away!
Why we love this show: Not only does Hicks have a great voice, he's also known as one of the nicest guys in show biz! His range of music is stunning. He sings R&B, Country, Rock, and he even starred in the Broadway revival of Grease as Teen Angel
And for all you single ladies- People Magazine named Taylor the hottest bachelor in America!!!
For tickets, please click here.