“For the Birds,” a new exhibition opening November 14 at Waveny’s Carriage Barn, is a showcase for old and new artist members of New Canaan Society of the Arts. “Many artists and I had conversations about the nature of juried exhibitions today,” said Gallery Director Valerie Garlick. “Some shows’ themes are far too broad, and others way too esoteric. It’s a fulltime job to apply to them and can be frustrating. At the same time, many works came to us for the October Members Show with reference to landscape and wildlife, and I thought, let’s see what we can do with birds. Sometimes a themed show can provide inspiration, and I was delighted to find that several artists had made new work based on their interpretation of the theme.”
Works in “For the Birds” include paintings, drawings, sculpture and photographs. An innovation is the inclusion of poetry by Mary Anne Case, Bevi Bullwinkel, Cannon Garber, and Christina Klumb, whose book art was made with Nina Miller. Birdhouses are represented by artists Lori Anne Dunn and Kathie Milligan. Member artist Pamela Huth made a 7x7-inch mixed media collage Chained Bird for the show.
Twenty-six guest-exhibiting artists bring a range of insights into the Audubon presence in their works, including Brian Flinn, who presents birds in digital collages that serve as “as supporting members representing ideas like cherubs who pester or provide companionship.” Lewis Schaffer’s sculptures use “primarily recycled materials, including old bicycles and bicycle parts, leftover construction debris, and computer components.” Donna Simons, whose art is a “vehicle for teaching about food,” lives a life focused on animal husbandry and feeding the community through her Organic Food Co-op. Her piece is an inkjet giclée–Naked Chicken. Also on view is a feathered gown by Catherine Latson, and Brian Walters’ Woven Nest.
is represented with Owl–a stone sculpture–which will meet up with a live barred owl on December 2 at the Barn’s Owl Prowl, a partnered event with Stamford Nature Center and Museum. That event will conclude with an owl walkabout on the grounds of Waveny Park.
For information: Valerie Garlick, Executive Director
Carriage Barn Arts Center
681 South Avenue | P.O. Box 1044
New Canaan, CT 06840 (203) 972-1895