Popular Women’s Support, Education and Networking Organization Hosts Business Strategy Workshop in Ridgefield

Do you feel overwhelmed with the day-to-day operations of your business, underpaid for the time you're investing, and find that you are struggling to move your business forward? Maureen Jacobson is a holistic business strategist and organizational development consultant and she's here to help. 
Join us for the next meeting of the Ridgefield chapter of B.I.G. Believe, Inspire, Grow on Wednesday, March 4th at 12pm at The Tiger's Den (23 Catoonah Street in Ridgefield) as we delve into the Top 3 Things that Keep Business Owners Overwhelmed, Underpaid and Struggling - and give you the tools to fix it. 

Hundreds of women across the country are already participating in B.I.G. Believe, Inspire, Grow.  This membership-based organization utilizes face-to-face community meetings, an interactive website and monthly teleconferences to provide intelligent women a positive and educational support network to help move their business ideas forward.

Founded in September 2009 in Bernardsville, NJ B.I.G. has been rapidly expanding to communities throughout the USA. The B.I.G. Ridgefield pod meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month at noon. The meeting is open to women in all stages of their careers and the optional $15 lunch includes tax and gratuity.

The Ridgefield pod was founded by Ridgefield resident Amy Polacko, Executive Regional Vice President with Arbonne International, in 2012 and currently co-led by Ridgefield resident Kate Denoyer Fitzpatrick, CEO and Founder of Kate Fitzpatrick Consulting. It is a thriving resource for women in business; it meets once each month to feature speakers and workshops on a variety of topics.

For more information on membership please contact Ms. Fitzpatrick at kkdfconsulting@gmail.com. Women are encouraged to visit the B.I.G. website at (www.believeinspiregrow.com) to learn more about how to take the next step in their business lives. Pre-registration via the website is encouraged for all meetings.

Submitted by Ridgefield, CT

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