Eating Disorders Practice, THRIVE, Opens in Ridgefield
Nutritionist Rena Bruckman, MS, RD, CD-N and Psychotherapist Debbie Chrabolowski, MS, NCC, LPC have teamed up to open a comprehensive outpatient center for the treatment of eating disorders in Ridgefield. Located at 199 Ethan Allen Highway (above Country Diner) the new office, THRIVE Psychotherapy and Nutrition of CT, opened its doors this past March. After practicing for almost 20 years in their professions, and more than a decade specializing in eating disorders, the two women recognized a need in this part of Fairfield County.
Typically, people struggling with an eating disorder work with a nutritionist and a therapist. In fact, Bruckman and Chrabolowski have been referring clients to each other for years. Working under one roof allows for the treatment team to work collaboratively to support the clients and their families. Together, with two more psychotherapists on site, Theresa Roth, LCSW and Susan Nilsen, LCSW, they provide their clients with a specialized treatment team in one location.
Thrive specializes in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder. Eating disorders are the most deadly psychiatric illness. The mortality rate is 3 times greater than depression, schizophrenia and alcoholism. Anorexia is the leading cause of death for young women aged 15-24 years.
Thrive professionals can be seen individually or as a team. They are also able to assess and diagnose eating disorders. They work in conjunction with the client’s medical team to ensure medical stability. THRIVE offers individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, parent coaching and nutritional counseling.
THRIVE providers can be contacted at the numbers listed below:
- Rena Bruckman (203) 885-7952 or
- Debbie Chrabolowski (203) 807-6668 or
- Theresa Roth (203) 853-2357