Lauralton Hall on how to keep calm & ace the admissions test

Keep Calm and Ace the Test: How to Prepare for Testing

Here at Lauralton Hall, we understand tests can be stressful, especially admissions tests. You may feel like admissions tests are a “do or die” or a “this affects the rest of my life” kind of exam. While tests have a significant impact on acceptance into a school like Lauralton Hall, much more is considered when accepting new students. We look beyond the test scores, at the person as a whole, to decide if she is a good fit for Lauralton, and if Lauralton is the right fit for her.

To ease the stress associated with admissions testing, here are a few tips we find helpful:

  1. Pre-register – This will be one less step you have to take care of the morning of the exam. Instead of stressing over not having registered yet, you can focus your energy on the test.
  2. Sleep well – Getting a good night’s sleep will allow you to focus on the exam and not be distracted by being tired or groggy.
  3. Eat breakfast – Starting the day off with breakfast will help fuel your mind and body to tackle the exam with all your brainpower!
  4. Bring extra pencils – Bring extra pencils and erasers with you so you don’t have to worry about asking for extra during the middle of the exam if your pencil breaks or your eraser runs out.
  5. Dress comfortably – Dress as comfortable as possible since you’ll be sitting down for a few hours. 

About Lauralton Hall

Founded in 1905 by the Sisters of Mercy, Lauralton Hall is the first independent Catholic college-prep school for young women in Connecticut. More than 470 students from over 40 Connecticut towns attend. Inspired by the Mercy Tradition, their mission is to empower young women to pursue their highest potential through lifelong learning, compassionate service, and responsible leadership in a global society.  For more information, visit

Lauralton Hall is located at 200 High Street, Milford. 

Submitted by Westport, CT

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