First Annual Healthy Lifestyle Fair

The Bethel Chamber of Commerce and Newtown Savings Bank is presenting the 1st Annual Healthy Lifestyle Fair on Saturday, October 22 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Best Western Hotel and SportsPlex on Route 6, Stony Hill, Bethel.

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle!  Join us to celebrate your health! The 1st Annual Healthy Lifestyles Fair is an event for the entire family that will bridge health and wellness with eco-consciousness.  We have booths galore that will showcase information about their products and services to help you and your family lead a healthy lifestyle.  Join us to celebrate your health! The 1st Annual Healthy Lifestyles Fair is an event for the entire family that will bridge health and wellness with eco-consciousness.  We have booths galore that will showcase information about their products and services to help you and your family lead a healthy lifestyle.  This year's theme is Breast Cancer Awareness and the Scotty Fund.

If you would like to participate. Booth fee (includes a 6 foot table, and 2 chairs) Chamber members & non-profit: $75.00; non-members $125.00. Contact Lisa Whitmore at 203-426-9666 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view i

Submitted by Bethel, CT

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