Connecticut Center for the Book at Connecticut Humanities is now accepting submissions for the 2019 Connecticut Book Awards. These awards recognize the best books of 2018 by authors and illustrators who reside in or who write about Connecticut. Award winners will receive exposure in Connecticut media outlets and personal appearances in Connecticut locations.
Connecticut has a long history of great literary talents and independent bookstores that represent a unique experience. You can support Connecticut Bookstores by visiting one of the bookstores within 20 miles of Bethel listed below:
Courtesy of NewPages.com. A full list of bookstores can be found here https://www.newpages.com/independent-bookstores/connecticut-bookstores
Below are important details regarding the contest
Categories include Fiction, Non-Fiction, Poetry, and Young Readers. Entry fee starts at $40 for a 2,000 copy or less print run.
Deadline: Submissions must be made by 5:00 p.m. on April 19, 2019.
Finalists will be announced in September 2019. Winners will be announced at an awards ceremony in October 2019.
Eligibility Requirements for Book Awards that will be made in 2019:
- Authors and illustrators must currently reside in Connecticut and must have lived in the state at least three consecutive years or have been born in the state. Alternatively, the work may be substantially set in Connecticut.
- Titles must have been published for the first time between January 1, 2018 and December 31, 2018 or have a copyright within 2018.
- All submitted books must have a valid ISBN.
- Anthologies are acceptable. Author(s) must currently reside in Connecticut and must have lived in the state at least three consecutive years or have been born in the state. Alternatively, the works must be substantially set in Connecticut.
- Books by deceased authors will be accepted only if the author was still living at the beginning of the eligibility year (January 1, 2018).
The following are NOT eligible:
- Reprints of books published in another year.
- eBooks.
- Books written by staff or families of Connecticut Center for the Book, Connecticut Humanities, or members or families of the CT Book Award review committee and/or its judges.
Click here for additional information and to download a submission form.
If you have any questions concerning eligibility, please email ctbook@cthumanities.org.
About the Connecticut Book Awards
The mission of the Connecticut Center for the Book is to promote the written and spoken word throughout the state and the Connecticut Book Awards recognize and honor those authors and illustrators who have created the best books in or about our state. The Center is Connecticut’s affiliate of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress.