Bethel High School Student Wins NEA Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge!

Congratulations to Bethel High School senior, Ethan Smith named a WINNER in the Musical Theater Songwriting Challenge!

According to National Endowment for the Arts, together with the American Theatre Wing, they offer this opportunity to 13 students: 12 individual songwriters and one, two-person songwriting team. "Winners’ hometowns range from Maple Valley, Washington to Bethel, Connecticut and from Lincoln, Nebraska to Jackson, Mississippi. Their songs are also very different; engaging mythic themes, contemporary issues, and stories from their experiences and perspectives," they say.

Bethel Superintendent Christine Carver said, "Ethan is an outstanding vocalist, actor, and composer. He's been busy creating original musical theater work including script, songs, and recordings. His song "Some People Just Die" was entered into the 2021 National Musical Theatre Songwriting Challenge and was selected! The song will be workshopped and produced by professional theatre artists. Congratulations Ethan!"

Listen to Ethan's song and meet the winners here.

*Image courtesy NEA website.

Submitted by Bethel, CT

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