Bethel's HamletHub Team
HamletHub.com sites differ from other media outlets based on their focus on the needs of the community, helping to spread the word for residents as well as the organizations and businesses that make up the fabric of the town. Bethel's HamletHub offers a unique opportunity for these groups to have a voice in their community, either by submitting articles to the site as a local resident, or by participating in the site's unique Article Membership service for businesses, giving them an unprecedented opportunity to tell their story and to differentiate themselves in the marketplace.
Bethel's HamletHub is a community advocate that is closely connected to the people, places and things that make Bethel tick. Readers and advertisers will benefit from a direct line to the heart of the community, the people who are eager to help local philanthropies, as well as those looking for something to do tonight and this weekend.
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