Every year, Bethel’s Byrd’s Books hosts a book and baking event, a fun afternoon with an author, her book, and baked goods from readers who’d like to bake from the book — all gathered together for a communal tasting. This year, on December 10th, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, Byrd’s Books will welcome media star, Samantha Senevirante, to their table to celebrate her new book, Bake Smart, and to share in a bounty of “tastes” made in the kitchens of those readers who’ve stopped in to meet the critically acclaimed baking expert.
Alice Hutchinson, owner of Byrd’s Books explains, “This tasty afternoon is one of my favorite events. When you buy Bake Smart at Byrd’s Books (copies are available in advance) and bring something baked from the book to share at the event, you’ll receive a $10.00 gift certificate or credit to Byrd’s Books. Sam will not only sign her book but discuss her recipes, and then we all get to taste a little bit of any of the baked goods. We’ll also have available take-home boxes for sale at $10.00, the proceeds to be donated to DAWS, our local no-kill shelter.” To participate in the event, registration is required. Visit Events at ByrdsBooks.com to join in the fun.
Byrd’s Books is located at 178 Greenwood Avenue, across from the Bethel Public Library. Author discussions and Book Group gatherings are regularly added to Byrd’s Books’ calendar of events at ByrdsBooks.com Hours are Tuesdays to Saturdays 10:00am to 6:00pm, Sundays 12:00 noon to 4;00pm, Closed Mondays. For directions to the store or more information, call Byrd’s Books at 203-730-2973. To review the shop’s expanded catalog of new titles, go to ByrdsBooks.com