The American Legion – Department of Connecticut and the Connecticut State Police announce the 17th Annual State Police Youth Week.
State Police Youth Week (SPYW) is a law enforcement practicum for high school students COMPLETING their JUNIOR YEAR (in 2018) at an accredited high school in Connecticut. SPYW will be held at the Connecticut State Police Training Academy in Meriden, CT July 8 - July 14, 2018.
SPYW offers insight into the training, duties and expectations of law enforcement officers. The program provides realistic experience, patterned after recruit training at the Connecticut State Police Academy, and affords students considering a law enforcement career the opportunity to gain knowledge of the professional life of a police officer.
SPYW cadets will participate in a variety of mentally and physically demanding instructional sessions, including patrol techniques, Connecticut criminal and motor vehicle laws, criminal and accident investigation, firearms safety and training, water safety training, team-building and confidence training, defensive driving techniques, and other law enforcement skill training.
Completed applications, including personal statements, recommendations and $125.00 fee, must be received by Monday April 23, 2018.
Due to strict limitations on the number of participants (24 students), late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Selection date this year will be May 2, 2018. If you have not heard anything by the second week of May please contact the American Legion at 860-296-0719.
Please visit http://www.ctlegion.org for more information and application or contact your high school guidance counselor, School Resource Officer, local Post of the American Legion or the American Legion Department Treasurer at 860-296-0719.