Town Departments - Professional Development
You may have noticed some of the town department heads were out of the office a few hours last Monday and will be out next Monday. We are taking some time to focus on professional development to be better at serving our residents!
Bethel Police Department receives re-accreditation
The Bethel Police Department has officially received its re-accreditation from The Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) and is one of only 32 accredited agencies in the state. What does it mean to us? Our department is following nationally recognized standards that help the department develop efficiencies and use our tax dollars wisely. The standards also help our police officers improve their services to our community. Congrats and thank you to the PD leadership and officers for all you do for our community!
Co-working space in Bethel?
Bethel’s Office of Economic Development and Radar108, a Bethel based startup, are working together to determine interest in a Coworking space in or around Bethel. We appreciate you taking a moment to answer 15 short questions. Your response is completely anonymous unless you respond to question 15. Please share this survey link with your friends who may be interested. Link: https://rdr.bz/betheledc23Nov
Garbage haulers
Garbage haulers were a topic of conversation again this week. Garbage haulers should not be picking up in residential areas before 6 am. We are working diligently to have companies operate within the legal times. Please continue to let us know if you have issues with trucks picking up before 6 am in residential areas. The next office hours will be Monday, November 27th from 5 pm to 7 pm.
Eversource at Town Hall
Eversource representatives were in Town Hall this week. The central topic was the need for investment in our state’s infrastructure to keep up with increasing demand. They also shared info on a new Low-Income Discount Rate available to residential electric customers with financial hardships. The program starts December 1st. Visit www.eversource.com/billhelp to see if you qualify.
St Thomas’ Chicken/Eggplant Parm dinner
If you are cooking for family next week, you may enjoy an easy meal option this weekend. Take advantage of the St Thomas’ Chicken/Eggplant Parm dinner tomorrow, November 18th from 5 pm to 7 pm. Adults $15, kids under 16 $8, family max of $45. Yes…feed the fam for $45. There are take-out options also. Please visit www.stthomasbethel.org/dinner for reservations or call 203-743-1494.
Bethel Community Food Pantry
Bethel Community Food Pantry WILL NOT be accepting donations this Wednesday, November 22nd. However, our neighbors in need would appreciate donations of non-perishable foods to the Bethel Community Food Pantry on Wednesdays between 10:30 am - 12 pm behind the Bethel United Methodist Church at 141 Greenwood Avenue or call 203-241-1458 to coordinate a drop off time
Town Hall will be closed on Thursday, November 23rd and Friday, November 24th in observance of Thanksgiving.
Turkey Trot
The Bethel Turkey Trot 5K run/walk starts at 8:00 am on Thanksgiving Day in front of Town Hall. Whether you are a participant or a supporter, the Bethel Turkey Trot is a great way to start your Thanksgiving! The event is presented by Steep Endurance and Ingersoll Auto and a portion of the proceeds will support Ability Beyond and Bethel Parks and Recreation. Please take a moment to check out the course map and additional sponsor info at www.steependurance.com under the events link.
Bethel’s Winterfest on Friday, November 24
The Bethel Chamber of Commerce has a great line-up of events and shopping at Bethel’s Winterfest on Friday, November 24th! From 2 pm to 5 pm enjoy food, music and more along Greenwood Ave. and PT Barnum Square. Stop by the Bethel Fire Department on South Street for s’mores and the Town Hall for a ride on a horse drawn wagon. At 5 pm the celebration moves to Town Hall beginning with the Bethel High School Chorus, followed by the Tree Lighting at 5:30 pm and a Meet & Greet with Santa from 5:40 pm to 7 pm. Check out www.facebook.com/bethelchamberct for the full schedule.
Pop-up Holiday Art Market at Big Bunny Gallery
Look for the Pop-up Holiday Art Market at Big Bunny Gallery at 155 Greenwood Ave, Bldg. D. The exhibit opens for Winterfest. You can also stop in for the opening reception on Saturday, November 25th and Saturdays and Sundays in December from 10 am to 5 pm, except Christmas day and the 30th and 31st.
Small Business Saturday
Saturday, November 25th is Small Business Saturday. American Express founded the event in 2010 and the Small Business Association has officially cosponsored since 2011. Small Business Saturday is a big deal to Bethel businesses. Please remember them when you choose where to shop!
High School Sports - shout outs!
A big shoutout to Julia Hebert for breaking the school record and becoming a class L state champion in the 100 meter Breaststroke. Fantastic win, Julia!
A big shout out to Bethel’s Cross Country for a bunch of broken records this season and to Evan Bureau for earning All New England!
On behalf of the town employees, Happy Thanksgiving!