“What is the Town Referendum Process?”
I am often asked at PTO meetings by parents who have recently moved to the Bethel Community. The new community members had a lot of questions regarding the town referendum process for the education, town, and capital budgets. As we have many new families, I thought I might take this opportunity to provide our broader school community with this information, outlined in the town charter. These are the steps and timeline on the education side (and a very similar process happens on the town side):
1. The Superintendent proposes an education budget to the Board of Education in late January outlining the district needs.
2. The Board of Education holds a series of workshops to extensively review that budget and make any revisions they feel are appropriate and votes on an adopted Board of Education budget in mid-February.
3. The Board of Education budget is presented to a joint body of the Board of Selectman and Board of Finance in mid February. At this presentation, there is no public input, but it is an opportunity to hear the rationale behind the proposed budget.
4. The Board of Selectman and the Board of Finance review the totality of the town and school budget and can determine to move it to a public hearing as presented, make cuts or increase the budget. View the 2021 Town Budget Schedule
5. A Public Hearing is conducted to answer any residents’ questions regarding the budget, support of the budget and/or concerns. The Board of Selectman and Board of Finance use the information from the public input to determine if they will make any further adjustments to the budget prior to the Town Meeting. This meeting provides an opportunity to provide input. The meeting is open to parents, community members, and employees. Only Bethel residents are allowed to provide public input. The Public Hearing this year is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22, 2020 at 7:00 PM in the Bethel High School Auditorium and via Zoom Video Conferencing.
7. The Annual Budget Referendum is the next phase. This is the actual machine vote or election on the budgets. This date is set at the Town Meeting. Registered voters can cast their ballots towards the proposed budget. Per Charter, there are three votes on the referendum, town, school, and capital. The vote is bifurcated, meaning if it passes, it can’t be readjusted after the vote. The Board of Education wants to make sure you are informed and have a chance to be involved in the budget process.
*You are welcome to attend all or any of our budget meetings/meetings. BOE Budget Schedule The scheduled dates, along with the Zoom video conferencing link to view meetings and the link to meeting materials can be viewed here: 2021 Town Budget Schedule. Posted meeting agenda can be found on the Town’s website.
• March 22nd, Public Hearing, 7:00 PM, Bethel High School Auditorium and via Zoom Video Conferencing. See 2021 Town Budget Schedule for Public Access information.
• April 5th, Annual Town Meeting, 7:00 PM, Bethel High School Auditorium and via Zoom Video Conferencing.