yesterday evening, January 9, 2020 saw the Town of Southeast Town Council welcome a new face to it’s ranks.
John O’Connor (C) was sworn in as the newest member of the Town Board. He, along with returning councilman Edwin Alvarez (R) were sworn in by the Honorable Judge Joseph Spofford in front of a small crowd at Southeast Town Hall on Route 22. Neither board member made a speech and both jumped right into the business of running the Town alongside current members Tony Hay (R) John Lord ()D), and Eric Larca (R). O’Connor, a first time Board candidate but hardly a newcomer to the Putnam political scene won election to one of two seats. The other was won by Incumbent Councilman Alvarez. Although each seat was individually up for grabs Alvarez and O’Connor ran as team and were the first and second top vote getters in the general election in November of last year. They defeated the “team” of Lynne Eckhardt (D, Incumbent) and Zach Disador (D) , who was himself another newcomer to the candidate ranks. They finished 3rd and 4th respectively in the balloting.
Tony Hay, the Town Supervisor, called the Meeting to order and, as it was the first meeting of the year, it was an organizational meeting which set the Town Board Meeting Schedule for 2020 and included several re-appointments to town positions amongst what is commonly called “housekeeping item”. There were 40 resolutions to be voted upon so Supervisor Hay read them all aloud and the Board voted unanimously to approve all 40 items.
The next Meeting of the Southeast Town Board is scheduled for February 6th, 2020 in Southeast Town Hall, 1360 Route 22. The meeting starts at 7:00 pm.