Watch out Starbucks, here comes Wells Life Skills Bears Brew.
The Wells cafeteria is decorated with green, gold and white balloons, the smell of coffee fills the air, students are positioned behind and next to the counter outfitted with name tags and Bears Brew sweatshirts that depict a bronze bear holding a coffee cup.
Students have been preparing for weeks–learning the vocabulary of running a business, the math skills needed to make change, and the best way to greet customers. They built their cart with the help of trades class teacher, Glen Palmieri. They painted the cart Brewster green with the help of art teacher Matthew Cassidy. Together with their 8th grade mentors, they even made the treats.
Their hard work paid off as they were ready bright and early to greet a line of customers.
“Good morning, how can I help you?” asked Keyli Lemus.
“I’d like one coffee. How much does that cost,” asked guidance counselor Joanna Biagi.
“2 dollars,” said Jeffrey Marotz.
Julia Borsrai, the Wells Life Skills teacher, was standing close by.
“Keyli, don’t forget to ask if she would like anything in her coffee.”
“I’d like two sugars because I’m really sweet,” said Biagi.
“Thank you for coming,” said Jeffrey.
“Mrs. Holliday would like one treat and one coffee, how much is that?” asked Borsai.
“That’s 3 dollars,” said Keyli.
“Thank you for coming,” said Jeffrey.
“I am so impressed, you even have almond milk! Thank you.” said Holliday.
During the first period, students served about fifteen teachers who had either pre-ordered or just stopped by. In between the morning rush, they practiced their greetings. The shop will be open on Mondays and Wednesdays between periods 1-3 for staff. As they get experience, they plan to expand their offerings to tea and lemonade and spring treats. What will they do with the proceeds? Buy more supplies and celebrate with an end-of-the-year party.