Watch It's a Wonderful Life LIVE at Lewisboro Library on Dec. 15

"It's a Wonderful Life" - Live on Friday, December 15 at 7:00 pm

Come see “It’s a Wonderful Life” as a live radio play! The beloved holiday classic, immortalized on film by James Stewart and Donna Reed, is brought to life in a whole new way by Apple Tree Productions.

The stage play is a one-hour adaptation written to replicate a live radio show circa 1946, with the cast gathered around microphones and live sound effects. This production is suitable for all ages.

In lieu of an admission fee, we ask that attendees bring an item to donate to our collection box for the Community Center of Northern Westchester’s “Share the Warmth” Drive. The Community Center is seeking donations of new hats, gloves, socks and warm cozy blankets for children ages infant through 18 years. Let’s rally our community like the residents of Bedford Falls rally around George Bailey!

Please register HERE.

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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