Harry Potter book fans, join us at the Kent Library, on Wednesday, September 27th from 4:30 op.m.-5:30p.m, (we're back to our school-year schedule!) Whether this is your first adventure with Harry or you can already name the twelve uses for dragon's blood, this book club is for you! Kids ages 8-11 invited to enjoy a thoughtful discussion, followed by games, crafts, and a screening of the film. We will be reading the first book in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Registration is required. We will be showing the movie in the downstairs program room, directly after the book club. Please have the book read before our meeting.
You may register for the program by going to www.kentlibrary.org or calling the Kent Public Library at 845-225-8585. The library is located at 17 Sybil's Crossing, Kent Lakes, NY 10512.