On September 9th, Main Street in Brewster transformed into the Brewster Fall Festival. With a touch of autumn in the air, over 5,000 members of the community celebrated an exciting and informative day warmed with smiling faces and a friendly atmosphere. Lining the street were booths with 112 vendors including 15 food stands, community organizations, businesses, and merchants. Over 20 volunteers from the community helped organizers, Cultural Arts Coalition directors Margaret Carey, Judy Marano, and Frank Funigiello, bring new aspects to the 27-year old event, known previously as Brewster Founder’s Day.
Through out the day, entertainers organized by volunteers Katy Faivre and Rebecca Rabinowitz, thrilled festivalgoers on two separate stages. The talent showcase with Emcee Frankie Becerra, included Spotlight Arts, Shayne Pellicco, Shuprut the Clown, Mike the Juggler, Joey Dino, Master Crain Castrovinci of UMAC, Jose Micolta, John Delgada, Emiko Dunn, Fred Astaire Dance Studio, Seven Star School of Performing Arts, and Brewster Twirlers. Alex Petersen, LadyChild, Now, Too Fat Guys, Parkways, Joey Dino, and Tamed Roses wowed audiences on the Main Music Stage.
The Landmarks Preservation Society of Southeast gave guided tours and welcomed visitors to the Walter Brewster House for cupcakes and lemonade. Denise Bassett, Nancy Hack and Terry DiPinto dressed in authentic historic clothing as they hosted a Victorian Tea Party at the Studio Around the Corner. Eric Fiocco from the 5th NY Zuoaves Civil War Regiment re-enactment dressed as a Civil War Private educating the community on the history of Zouave soldiers.
The festival’s activities coordinator, Mary Cay Nilsen, organized many fun activities. Mark Marano and Brewster Elks officiated at an old time pie-eating contest. Kids, young and young-at-heart, were delighted with the Pied Piper Petting Zoo located at the back lawn of Brewster Library. The first Brewster Bake Off was won by Alejandra Gil for her pumpkin spice macaroon in the Cookie division and Dawn Denike-Hirsch for her Vegan Chocolate Cacao Cupcake in the Cupcake division and Jordan Hirsch for her beach cookie in the Youth division.
“The goal of this event was to bring our community together to celebrate all the wonderful opportunities available to our residents,” explains organizer Margaret Carey. "This year, proceeds from the vendor booth fees are to go towards the restoration of the Old Town Hall Theater, which will provide an accessible and affordable performing arts venue and cultural center to extend exciting events throughout the year.”
The Cultural Arts Coalition would like to thank the Village of Brewster, Brewster Police Department, Brewster Department of Public Works, Town of Southeast, and Putnam County for their assistance with the Brewster Fall Festival. Special thanks to sponsors Brewster Senior Housing Foundation, Open Door Family Medical Centers, Putnam County Savings Bank, Brewster HamletHub, Confident Home Inc., EA Test Prep, N&S Supply, Six Diamonds Tree Service and Landscaping, Suburban Carting, Lisi’s Towing, The Outlaw BBQ, and the World Financial Group. The Coalition especially thanks volunteers behind the scenes, Melinda Montanaro, promotional and marketing materials; Charlotte Green, vendor relations; Jessica Gulluski, Madeline Hyatt and Jackie Carey, information booth; Annabell Crespo, Spanish translation; and Peter Carey for coordinating traffic and safety measures.
For more information about the Cultural Arts Coalition and the restoration of Old Town Hall Theater, visit www.CulturalArtsCo.com.
For more photos of the event visit:
Brewster HamletHub Facebook Album
Brewster Fall Festival Facebook page