VFW Breakfast Fundraiser on November 12

Brewster VFW Post 672’s Breakfast Fundraiser is this weekend!  From 9am to 11am (dining room open until noon) on Sunday, November 12th, the coffee will be brewing, the waffle irons will be hot, the bacon and sausage will be sizzling, and the omelet pans will be ready to go.  Bring a few friends for a hearty breakfast, and a great chance to socialize.  Adults are $10, young adults are $5, and children under 12 are free! No reservations required, and all are welcome.  The post is located at 262 Peaceable Hill Road in Brewster, NY.

If you can help work the breakfast, we can always use a hand.  Call Steven at 845/629-6925 or email stvnmattson@gmail.com if you can help this Sunday. 



Waffles & Pancakes w/Hot Syrup

Bacon & Sausage 

Made-to-Order Omelets

Scrambled Eggs

Home Fries

Country Biscuits with Sausage Gravy


Bagels, Donuts & Rolls

Coffee, Tea, Milk & Juice

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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