September in the Garden Around the Corner

Welcome to our last month in the Garden Around the Corner. Time to celebrate all of our collective efforts!!! Have you seen how beautiful the garden looks lately with so many zinnias and little pumpkins on the vine? We are letting them grow through the end of the month.    

Even though we did not get together collectively we have created something special through our individual efforts. Thank you for making our community a little more beautiful and a little more healthy.

As of today our organic garden has donated 168.75lbs of fresh organic vegetables to CAP. Thank you again for serving the Brewster community in such a beautiful way.

What going on in the garden now…

We continue to battled squash vine borer, septoria leaf spot on the tomatoes, powdery mildew on the pumpkins, fungus is on the cucumber leaves, and chipmunks eating tomatoes. Found a tomato horn worm that had been parasitized by braconid wasps – pictured above – an example of biological control of the tomato horn worm.

A lot of the dead and diseased plant matter, mostly from squash vine borers, powdery mildew and fungus, have been removed. Please continue to help remove the diseased growth.

The summer plantings of bush beans and eggplant are producing and will keep producing until the end of the month when all is cleaned-up and plant a cover crop is planted.

The cucumber vine, peppers and tomatoes continue to produce. The beets, turnip and be harvested. The rainbow chard never really produced but looks beautiful between the red marigolds. The beautiful cauliflower plants have yet to develop a head. The inconsistency in the weather may have had something to do with that.

Looking back we have had the most diverse crops in our garden this year:

Snow peas, bush beans, turnips, cilantro, red Russian kale, curly leaf kale, eggplant, chioggia beets, yellow beets, green squash, yellow squash, cauliflower, hot peppers, bell peppers, radishes, romaine lettuce, pumpkins and small ornamental pumpkins, cucumbers, 5 different kinds of tomatoes….WOW

Then there are the zinnias, sunflowers, marigolds, nasturtiums and iris. Thank you for helping decorate the garden with flower pinwheels, painted stones, and the “Plant Dreams” watering can.

We were fortunate to receive a donation of a new 100 ft garden hose from local resident Bob McGee. I plan to organize a donation program for next year to help with plants, stakes, compost, water nozzle etc.

What’s left to do this year…

To complete the month the garden requires two more goddess volunteers to take a week. I will clean-up and plant the cover crop on Sat Oct 3. I will also collect all the stakes and decorations for pick-up and take-home. There isn’t really a place at the Studio Around the Corner to keep garden items over the winter.

Anyone interested in helping organize the garden for next year please contact The intention for next year is to be ready with activities for more community involvement when health condition allow. 

The Garden around the Corner is located at 67 Main Street in Brewster, NY., behind the Southeast Museum

There is little risk in becoming overly proud of one’s garden because by its very nature it is humbling. It has a way of keeping you on your knees.  ~ JoAnn Barwick

 Gardens are not created or made, they unfold, spiraling open like the silk petals of an evening primrose flower to reveal the ground plot of the mind and heart of the gardener and the good earth.   ~ Wendy Johnson

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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