A Message From The Chairwoman, Jennifer Maher
"I have officially been the founding chairwoman of the Putnam County Business Council (PCBC) for 10 years. Originating in 2010 as The Putnam County Chambers of Commerce, the PCBC was founded to provide business advocacy in the county. This organization has worked tirelessly on behalf of the business community as well as supporting economic development in the county for a decade. We have never before, been a membership based organization; in fact we started out 2020 with fewer than 10 paid members.
2020 began as the year we would re-brand the PCBC into a member based organization similar to what takes place in the other Hudson Valley counties and beyond. Then COVID happened. We quickly morphed into a 24/7 organization that brought Putnam County all the COVID-19 updates in real time. We assisted dozens of businesses in the procurement of EIDL and/or PPP money. We hosted dozens of informative seminars and worked with area business and government leaders. We also developed a membership plan ranging from $50-$5,000. We created a level for what every sort of business might need. Even those that are suffering can afford to belong.
We also collaborated with the Putnam Valley Business Network to form a traveling, networking-only branch of the organization that aims to meet quarterly. We are working on industry cluster taskforce committees to ensure support to specific business groups such as construction/real estate, finance, MWBE, hospitality, not-for-profit and more. We have gained over 60 new members since September and are aiming for 200 by year’s end. The membership base will ensure that we have a private organization advocating for the business community on a local, state and Federal level.
I really expect 2021 to be a great year for the Putnam County Business Council. With new blood on the board, Mike Bucci taking over as Chairperson (Yay!) and an incoming slate of new officers (TBD), and new board members, Marj Ciucci of Lawley Insurance, Nick D'Andrea of Park Ford, we have an amazing group to carry out our mission statement. The Putnam County Business Council is the principal leader in the promotion of commerce. Our mission is “to be a creative force that promotes economic development, excellence in leadership, support, coordination and orderly development of business enterprise.”
It has truly been a privilege to serve as Chairwoman during a very challenging but rewarding decade for the Putnam County business community. I wish Chairman Bucci and the new board well as they begin the task of tackling the next chapter and turning the page from the COVID-induced economic crisis"