Executive Order Closes Department of Motor Vehicles

All Licenses, Non Driver ID's, and Registrations with an expiration date of March 1, 2020 or later will be extended.
All DMV Offices are closed and road tests are suspended until further notice. All reservations have been cancelled. You can still do most transactions online.
All Licenses, Non Driver ID's, and Registrations with an expiration date of March 1, 2020 or later will be extended. 

Please note that Executive Order 202.8 of NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo states the following to be in effect from March 20, 2020 until April 19, 2020:

  • The extension of validity of any Driver’s License, Non-Driver Identification or registration expiring on or after March 1, 2020
  • The extension of validity of any temporary registration document issued by a NYS Dealer
  • The cancellation of any in-person DMV appointment at any office until further notice
  • Deadline dates in court proceedings (i.e. statutes of limitations, motions, etc.) are hereby tolled.
  • A 90-day stay on foreclosure

To view the full Executive order please visit www.governor.ny.gov/executiveorders

In accordance with the aforementioned Executive Order, the Putnam County DMV office will be closed to the Public.  At this time, all online appointments will be cancelled and customers are permitted to make appointments on or after April 20, 2020.  We will continue to offer these appointments to Putnam County Residents Only.  Putnam County residents can visit www.putnamcountyny.com/dmv  to make an appointment.

Any dealer and PSB Transactions will be handled on a drop off basis only through our drop box.  Customers may also use our drop box for renewal invitations and plate surrenders. We will process these items as soon as possible.

Customers are also reminded to visit www.dmv.ny.gov for forms and online processing options such as driver’s license renewals, vehicle registration renewals and duplicate items.

The Putnam County Clerk’s Office remains closed to the public.  Patrons should use the drop box located outside the County Office Building for routine pistol permit transactions, business certificate filings, judgment transcript filings, non-emergency court filings, notary public renewals, land recordings.  We will process these items as soon as possible.

Patrons should visit our website at www.putnamcountyny.com/county-clerk for information on forms (pistol permit, passport, etc.), electronic filing of court records, electronic recording of land records, Freedom of Information Law requests and online records search.

If you have an immediate concern, please call the Putnam County Clerk’s Office emergency line at 845-808-1145.  All other inquiries should be e-mailed to countyclerk@putnamcountyny.com


Submitted by Brewster, NY

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