Becoming Mindful in Brewster

Of course we expect students to learn math facts and literacy skills in school, but what abousocial emotional skills, such as responsible decision-making, self awareness, the ability to maintain good relationships and being kind to others? 

For years, teachers have been fostering these important life skills in their students, although they typically do so when it becomes an issue. However, there are now programs for teachers to provide instruction on social skills that will help students engage in the classroom and in life.

A new student wellness program called Second Step is currently being employed by Brewster’s teachers. The program includes 20 fun and interactive lessons that teachers can share with their students in just a few minutes each week. Jess McCann, the K-12 Counselor and SEL Specialist, kicked off the first lesson with Sarah DiDio’s first graders.

It began with a quick interactive smart board game called  “Puddle Jump” to get students to pay attention to instructions. Students were asked to follow a prompt to virtually jump into a puddle  and swim or jump out of the puddle and onto the grass. It was fun and silly, but it also got everyone paying attention, which was the point.

McCann then showed the first graders pictures of kids paying attention in school and asked how they can tell what is happening in the pictures. “That kid looks quiet and is not talking to her friend,” answered Jordan Stapleton-Riddle. Caroline McCormick added, “His eyes are on the teacher and he is sitting down.”

“How would you show Mrs. DiDio that you are paying attention?” asked McCann.

 The class demonstrated by sitting cross-legged on the rug, hands on their laps.

 Allen Lu raised his hand and said “raise your hand!”

The lesson–which took about fifteen minutes–seemed to grow naturally from students' comments. McCann asked pointed questions about things like  how to walk responsibly in a parking lot, and even had the students practice waiting in line for the slide–an activity they loved.

“I think the Second Step Program will give us some excellent talking points to help lead our Social Emotional Learning discussions. We will all be using common language, and students will be given tools to help them in certain situations,” said Sara DiDio.

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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