Wells Park Grand Opening a Big Success

A newly renovated park has officially opened in the Village on Sunday May 15, 2016.  Hundreds of people enjoyed the opening festivities which included a ribbon cutting, brief remarks by Parks & Recreation Director Trustee Tom Boissonnault and Mayor Schoenig, thanking those who donated material, equipment and labor to make this park a vital cornerstone to a revitalized Village of Brewster.

The day included live music by Second Saturday Band, Sweet Central Express treats, a Girl Scout Troop fundraiser, FunZone Inflatables, and more.  The over eleven acres of green space where Wells Park is located lay dormant under the tutelage of the Town of Southeast for several years but with these new  renovations and a 25 year lease, the Village of Brewster and many happy residents hope that won't be the case anymore.  The Village will operate the park and all programs will be open to residents of the Village and the Town.

 The new and improved Wells Park has a refreshed pavilion and restrooms, barbeque grills, picnic tables, benches, playgrounds, a huge open multi-purpose field with a stage at one end and tiered seating at the other, tennis courts, and three play areas.  Renovations on the park started in the spring of 2015 through mostly donated material and labor.  The entire process took about a year to complete and there will continue to be improvements as we go along.  

The quality of life in the Village of Brewster got a huge boost! Our community residents clearly and overwhelmingly said they wanted their own park, and now it is a reality. Wells Park represents the revitalization of the Village of Brewster at its finest, showcasing a place of history, only with a fresh face-lift!  This summer the park will be full of life with various activities such as fitness classes, concerts, and movie nights.  Information on activities in the park may be found on the "Village of Brewster, NY" Facebook page and in the upcoming June issue of the new Village Newspaper. 

Altogether, the donations saved the Village over $200,000 in expenses.  Local companies all chipped in to defray costs and make  the park a jewel of the Village.  ECO Site Development undertook all the coordination and grounds development.  Unilock donated interlocking bricks for the tiered seating and the stage.  Lisi’s Towing relocated buildings, Brewster Central School District donated a huge playground suite from the closed Garden Street School, NY-CONN Electric Corp. laid new electric lines to the stage area, the parking area was enlarged and handicapped parking along with Emergency Vehicle access was added closer to the main field.  The Town of Southeast Highway Department also helped with the removal of some trees overhanging the tennis courts.  The list of donors and volunteers is extensive.  The community really came together to make this park a reality.

Judging by the great turnout and smiling faces, Wells Park is already a success and stands to become a living testament to the determination of the Village Government with the support of residents to turn this Village toward a brighter future as a shining beacon on the hill.

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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