Brewster Schools implement three enhancements to our Infinite Campus Parent Portal

The district is pleased to announce three enhancements to our Infinite Campus portal; online report cards for all grades, online requests to update demographic information, and online username/password recovery. Brewster High School and Wells Middle School families already have access to the portal, and secure credentials and access information will soon be distributed via US Mail for John F. Kennedy and C.V. Starr families.

Report Cards

This year all schools in the district will utilize the web based Infinite Campus Portal system to distribute report cards; paper report cards will no longer be mailed home.

Demographic Self-Serve

Upon logging into the Infinite Campus Portal, guardians will be able to request updates to demographic information (phone numbers, email addresses, and non-household contacts). These requests will be queued for the appropriate approval, eliminating the previous process of mailing the information to each family and having it returned to the school district with any changes. This process will also be used to review and request changes to applicable census data. Detailed instructions are here in English and here in Spanish.

Infinite Campus Username and/or Password Recovery
Upon logging into the Infinite Campus portal, authorized users will be prompted to enter an email address which will be used in the event a user has forgotten his/her username or password.  “Users can now reset their account password by simply clicking the Forgot your password? link on the Campus login screen, entering their Campus username and waiting for an email to be sent to their established recovery email address (see image below).

“The email will contain a unique link which when selected, will direct the user to a page where they can reset their Campus user account password (see image below).”  –Infinite Campus Support

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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