That portly gent from the North Pole will once again pay a visit to the Danbury Railway Museum and you can take a short ride in a vintage train through the historic railyard to visit him. This is a major fund-raising event for the museum and will take place on Saturdays and Sundays, December 2-3, 9-10, 16-17 and 23. The museum will be open each day from noon to 7:00 PM. Reservations are required for this very popular event as it sold out last year. Due to the unique nature of this event (see the web site at http://ctsantatrain.org), walk-in sales will not be available.
When guests arrive and check-in at the restored 1903 train station, kids and parents will be able to enjoy the festively decorated museum interior. This includes a Letters to Santa coloring station (be sure to include your mailing address, as Santa does write back!), operating model railroads, and many interesting exhibits and artifact displays.
After a very short train ride in a restored 1953 Budd Rail Diesel Car through the historic Danbury railyard, you'll be escorted back to the station for a no-rush meet and greet with Santa and Mrs. Claus, where the big man himself will give out the first gifts of Christmas. Returning due to its popularity: parents will bring a pre-wrapped present (or select one from our online menu (includes FREE gift wrapping & batteries) -- see Web site for details), and Old St. Nick will give your little ones their unique present!
Afterwards, you are free to enjoy a walk through the railyard with a free cup of hot chocolate – don't forget the marshmallows – and fresh-baked cookie! Tickets are $25 for ages 2 and up. Make your reservations at https://www.danburyrail.org/santa.
The Danbury Railway Museum is a non-profit organization, staffed solely by volunteers, and is dedicated to the preservation of, and education about, railroad history. The museum is located in the restored 1903 Danbury Station and rail yard at 120 White Street, Danbury, CT. For further information, visit the Web site at https://www.danburyrail.org, e-mail to info@danburyrail.org, or call the museum at 203-778-8337.