Monday, June 5th, the Danbury Westerners held a "Meet and Greet" at Bull and Barrel Brewery and Restaurant in Brewster, NY,
With the Major League season in full swing and the Summer almost (officially) upon us, some of the best college baseball players descend upon New England for the New England Collegiate Baseball league season. Players from all over America are recommended to teams in the league by their coaches, scouts and the team's themselves.
The New England Collegiate Baseball League was founded in 1993 by Joseph Consentino, a former Boston Red Sox minor league outfielder and began play in 1994. George Foster, the former Cincinnati Reds and New York Mets All-Star was the NECBL’s first Commissioner. The local team is the Danbury Westerners who play in Rogers park at the bottom of Main Street in Danbury (exit 5 of I-84 E/B). Several of the player on Danbury this season are Floridians including Luke Cooksey and Cooper Wallach from St. Augustine who play for Flagler College.
All the players stay with local host families during the 2 month season. This past Friday, June 2nd, Matthew Sellers, an All-State High School and USF/Tampa player, arrived from his home in Vero Beach, FL and moved in with the Greene's of Brewster, NY. This is the second time Nate Greene, a CV Starr 5th grader, Charlotte Greene, a freshman at Brewster High School, and Robin Greene, President of the Brewster Sports Foundation, have hosted a ball player. "The little league gang enjoy meeting the players and it's a big help to have a player on hand to play catch when they aren't practicing or playing baseball," said Robin. "The players are pretty busy with their season so we don't see them much at home but it makes watching the games a lot of fun knowing the pitcher!"
The team has been practicing for awhile but took a break last evening for a community meet and greet at the Bull and Barrel brewery here in Brewster. Most of the team joined in meeting about 2 dozen community members along with the Brewster Little League A's who cut their practice short to meet the aspiring pros. Brewster Little Leagers included AJ Berardi, Collin Brennan, Duncan Carruth, Hayden Fragiacomo, Jimmy King, Nate Greene, and Zach Schwartz.
Several of the players even attempted to ride the mechanical bull the restaurant features with varying degrees of success. Patrons in attendance posed for pictures with the team and several players talked at length with the little leaguers about their aspirations in baseball. The team is hosting its Annual fundraising breakfast this Friday morning at 7:30 am at the Amber Collonnade Room in Danbury. Special guest for the breakfast is 4 time All Star and former NY Mets and Yankee pitcher Dwight "Doc" Gooden. Tickets for the breakfast can be obtained through the team website, www.danburywesterners.com
The Westerners begin the season this evening at Alumni Field in Keane NH against the Keane Swamp Bats and open their home season Friday evening at Rogers Park against the same Swamp Bats. They play a 44 game season ending July 31 followed by playoffs the first week in August. Tickets can be obtained by visiting the teams website at www.danburywesterners.com
This Saturday June 10th from 9 am until 12 noon, the Westerners and several former major leaguers will be holding a free clinic for kids (suggested ages 6-16) at Rogers Park. You can register the day of the event or online or to get information on the clinic visit www.fcaweb/org/Forms/bb