Brewster Approves Urban Renewal Plan

Coming on the heels of newly released plans to rebuild and realign the Carmel Avenue Bridge and the recent grand reopening of Wells Park, the Village of Brewster passed the Urban Renewal Plan on May 18, 2016 with a vote of 4 to 0, and one abstention.  

The Urban Renewal Plan is the culmination of broad-based efforts started in 2013 with public engagement sessions and professional land planning services which identified the fundamental building blocks to create a revitalized downtown.  

The revised Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Code, and associated code changes have all set the stage for transit-oriented development, the walkable village, outdoor recreation opportunities, more housing and retail opportunities including sidewalk cafés, a central plaza and links to cultural centers like the Museum, Library, and Walter Brewster House.  

These admirable and achievable goals are coming to fruition because the four seasoned members of this governing Board have never wavered from their commitment to an economically vibrant downtown that invites neighbors from within the Village borders and the surrounding region to share the benefits of a revitalized community.  A higher quality of life, increased population, and tourism will benefit the region and make Brewster a destination as it once was when it was known as the “Hub of the Harlem Valley.”  

Mayor Jim Schoenig announced the news on FaceBook with a simple and straightforward statement:  “Happy to report the Village of Brewster took another step forward towards our revitalization tonight. With a vote of 4-0-1 the Urban Renewal Plan passed.”  Deputy Mayor Christine Piccini, Trustee Mary Bryde, and Trustee Tom Boissonnault joined with Mayor Schoenig casting votes in support of this achievement.

While the Village took a giant leap at this meeting the work is not yet finished.  Agreements still need to be negotiated and project plans need to be brought forward for the usual reviews before real change can begin to occur.  Stay tuned folks as this is the beginning of a bright future.  

Click here for the adopted Urban Renewal Plan.

Submitted by Brewster, NY

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