The Putnam County Department of Health will see an increase in its vaccine supply, but not as large an increase as it asked for from the state, according to Putnam County Executive MaryEllen Odell.
On Friday afternoon, Larry Schwartz, who is leading the state’s vaccination efforts, and Dr. Howard Zucker, the state health commissioner, told county executives statewide to make formal requests for a supply of Pfizer vaccine that local health departments could use to vaccinate seniors without comorbidities. The county executives were told they could request as much vaccine they could store at sub-zero temperatures and administer to the seniors within seven days.
Putnam County requested 3,000 Pfizer vaccine doses, but its full request was not granted. Instead, the county has been told it will receive 1,170.
“We hoped for more, but this is still a big increase over the amount we had been getting,” County Executive Odell said. “Plus, now we will be able to vaccine seniors who have no comorbidities. That is what we’ve been asking to do all along. We are so glad the state made this important change.”
Until now, the state had allowed local health departments to vaccinate only essential workers, group home residents, the disabled and seniors with comorbidities, and the vaccine supplied was Moderna, which does not require sub-zero refrigeration.
For more information, and to check for upcoming appointments, see the county health department’s COVID-19 vaccine page putnamcountyny.com/covid-19-vaccine-information/.