February through May is considered Brookfield’s budget season. As such, I’m working closely with our Town Controller, Marcia Marien, preparing the 2022 - 2023 budget and am proud to have delivered it to the BOS, BOF, BOE, all town departments, the Superintendent of Schools, the Town Treasurer, and the Presidents of our Fire Companies. My transmittal letter explains the overarching budget goals: provide quality services to the citizens of Brookfield in an efficient and effective manner; provide an excellent education to the current and future students of Brookfield; and properly maintain our capital assets at levels to maximize their value and useful lives. I also explain the financial goals:*
- Continue to reduce our dependence on debt.
- Continue to prepare and review our long-term plan to provide for stability in our budgets.
- Live within our means.
*Each of these is covered in greater detail at the First Selectman’s website, along with important information about Brookfield’s revaluation and its impact on the Grand List. Please read the details on the town website.
With over 99% of our population not infected with COVID, I announced on 2/19/2022 that I would be discontinuing the use of Code Red weekly messaging. Please visit our town website for all pertinent information as we move forward: www.brookfieldct.gov.
Please note that our Town Hall vaccination clinic will be closing, but beginning in March, our Director of Public Health, Dr. Sullivan, and our Public Health Nurse, Tracey Cahill, will be available to offer vaccines by appointment through the call-in number for masks and test kits: 203-775-7314.
Finally, I want to thank all of the volunteers who generously donated their time in order to administer vaccines to those who chose to receive them in our Town Hall clinic.