Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (NY-18) hosted a send off reception to honor local students appointed to service academies this year. At the reception, Rep. Maloney presented certificates to appointees and celebrated their achievements and dedication to service with the students, their families, and members of the Service Academy Selection Board.
“Today, we celebrated the incredible students from across the Hudson Valley who were appointed to U.S. Service Academies,” said Rep. Maloney. “Acceptance to the Service Academies is incredibly selective, so these students truly represent the best and brightest and we are so privileged they have chosen to continue their education in service to our nation. Congratulations to the appointees and their families!”
“Each of these extremely talented young Americans have been accepted into a Service Academy based on their individual merit. All of their previous focus, hard work and support from family has paid off as recipients of such a great honor,” said Major Beau Pendergraft, USMA Professor and Service Academy Selection Board Member. “That said, from this point forward, each of them must foster a mindset shift to being granted the privilege to lead America’s sons and daughters through whatever may come in the future in order to enable the continuance of FREEDOM within our Great Nation.”
“It has been an honor and privilege to be associated with the Service Academy Selection Board,” said Jay Jaffee, Officer at the West Point Mint and Service Academy Selection Board Member. “It is uplifting to meet and interview motivated young people who desire to attend these institutions where they will be developed into their generation’s leadership and custodians in the defense of this great Republic.”
The reception was held Thursday, June 2, in Newburgh. In addition to student appointees and their families, Rep. Maloney was joined by Service Academy Selection Board members, including:
- Major Beau Pendergraft, USMA Professor, Military Science
- Robert Anderson, Adjunct Professor at SUNY Maritime College’s Department of Professional Mariner Training at Fort Schuyler
- Jay Jaffee, Political/Legislative Officer at U.S. West Point Mint, New York
Service Academy Nominee Process:
- United States Representatives have the authority to nominate students to the four United States Service Academies which require nominations:
- U.S. Military Academy at West Point
- U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO
- U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD
- U.S. Merchant Marine Academy in Kings Point, NY
- To assist with the nomination process, Rep. Maloney established an esteemed committee of military and civic leaders from the Hudson Valley which interviewed potential nominees, reviewed their applications, and made recommendations. The Academies make the final decision on who receives an appointment of admission.
2022 Service Academy Nominees for NY-18:
- United States Military Academy at West Point:
- Jared Cohen, Armonk
- Jude Brower, Mahopac
- Aryn Simmons, Middletown
- Christina Zick, Circleville
- Shu-Min Jasmine Chang, Goldens Bridge
- Toni Neely-Primus, Monroe
- Jackson William Waugh, West Point
- United States Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs:
- Brian Connell, Chester
- Caitlin Healy, Garrison
- United States Naval Academy at Annapolis:
- Tyler Morasse, Cornwall
- United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point:
- John Germain, Cornwall on Hudson