Honoring Our Past and Embracing Our Future
The Town of Greenwich is proud to be celebrating the 125th Anniversary of the Greenwich Police Department this year. Chief James Heavey and the Department are marking this milestone by welcoming the community and longtime partners, including local businesses, to partake in several events throughout 2021.
The theme of the year will be “Honoring Our Past and Embracing Our Future,” with the funds raised to support the Greenwich Police Department’s Scholarship Fund, a non-profit 501 (c) (3), which grants financial assistance to the children of active Greenwich Police Officers, who qualify by ability and character, for undergraduate studies.
“We are proud that the Town of Greenwich Police Department has earned the reputation of being a well-trained and responsive professional organization over the past 125 years,” said Chief of Police James Heavey. “We strive for excellence and have demonstrated a sustained commitment of service to the public. I am very appreciative to be a member of this family – past and present – and I am equally pleased that we can celebrate this milestone together. We look forward to the history we will write together in the years ahead.”
“As a police department, it’s important for us to celebrate, especially now. It’s been a different year due to COVID-19 and the many other stressors police officers are dealing with every day,” Heavey said. “We want the residents of Greenwich to join us in paying tribute and recognizing our Officers and staff who strive to keep Greenwich safe for everyone.”
In 1896 “Watchmen” were appointed after residents realized the need for more efficient police protection in Town. They were tasked with watching the stores along Greenwich Avenue at night. The Greenwich Police Department was officially formed in 1906. Some eleven years later, on June 1, 1917, Joseph J. Cornelius was sworn in as the first full-time Greenwich police officer. The Department received its first patrol car in 1922, and the first Police Station opened in 1939. In its early days, the Department was almost entirely composed of native Irishmen or Irish American men. The first woman police officer was hired in 1947, and the first Black officer in 1951. In 1960, the underwater rescue unit formed, and three years later Marine Division was officially created. In 1967, the Youth Division was formed. Currently, there are 152 sworn officers in the Department.
For more information about the GPD: https://www.greenwichct.gov/345/Police
Upcoming 125th Anniversary GPD Events
Celebratory Events for the 125th anniversary are being planned throughout the year. Stay tuned for many various retail and business partnerships to benefit the GPD Scholarship Fund. Some of the upcoming events include:
Easter or Passover Baskets purchased at Funky Monkey Toys and Books to benefit the GPDSF, March 30 – April 3. Tell Funky Monkey, 86 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich, CT, your child’s age, and interests and they will create a special personalized basket. Shop safely-distanced in-store, or curbside pick-up from Tuesday, March 30 through Saturday, April 3. Order in-person, phone, Facetime, or text. (203) 769-5884. 10% from Easter Baskets purchased will go to the GPD Scholarship Fund.
NicholsMD will donate 5% of their “Product of the Month” for the entire month of June to the GPDSF. By appointment. 50 Old Field Point Road, Greenwich. (203) 862 – 4000
Miku Sushi will dedicate a special sushi roll with proceeds going to GPDSF for the entire month of September. 68 Greenwich Avenue, Greenwich. (203) 900-7676
The Greenwich Police Department Scholarship Fund Benefit Car Show will be on August 28, 2021, at Town Hall, 101 Field Point Rd., Greenwich, CT, from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. (Rain date – August 29, 2021) Admission is free and will include classic, antique, custom, and exotic cars, motorcycles, vintage fire trucks, and military vehicles. There will be a DJ, a 50/50 drawing, food trucks, and more. If you would like to show your vehicle or motorcycle, please register at:
The Greenwich Policeman’s Ball - join us for dinner and dancing to celebrate the 125th Anniversary of the GPD on Saturday, October 16, 2021, at the Riverside Yacht Club, Club Road in Riverside CT. at 6:30 pm. We will be honoring the brave men and women of this department, past, present, and future. Sponsorships are available for businesses who wish to participate. Patron Tickets are available and will include a Patron’s Cocktail Party on Thursday, September 30 at 6:30 pm. at Miller Motorcars Ferrari Showroom, 342 West Putnam Avenue, Greenwich, CT. To reserve your tickets or become a sponsor, please go to:
To date, sponsors of the 125th Anniversary GPD Events, benefitting the GPD Scholarship Fund include: Greenwich Magazine/Moffly Media and Greenwich Sentinel, Co-Media Sponsors and Miller Motorcars. All GPD 125th Anniversary Events are being produced by B+E Events and Communications. (https://bit.ly/BandEevents)
About the Greenwich Police Department’s Scholarship Fund
The Greenwich Police Department is asking for the community’s support of the Greenwich Police Department’s Scholarship Fund. Every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable for the future of our children. The Greenwich Police Department Scholarship Fund, incorporated in December of 1962, was granted tax-exempt status under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code in November 1963. To donate, http://bit.ly/GPDSFdonate
In 1963, three scholarships were awarded, which represented 80% of the fund’s available resources at that time. Now almost 60 years later, there are approximately 20 applicants each year, supporting both college boarders and half scholarships to college commuters. They must be enrolled as full-time students and maintain an academic GPA of 2.75 or better.
The fund is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of four individuals whose roles in the community ensure the Board’s self-perpetuation. These individuals are the Chief of Police, the Greenwich High School Headmaster, a Town Attorney, and a highly reputable and concerned volunteer from Greenwich’s business community. The Office of the Chief of Police is responsible for the day-to-day administration of its activities. Scholarship awards, however, are awarded after review and a vote by the Board.
For more information or if you would like to become a sponsor, please call (203) 622.7844 or go to https://www.gpdscholarshipfund.org