To celebrate a very Happy 2021, Lori Contadino, Director of the Greenwich Commission on Aging, and the staff at the Greenwich Senior Center, wanted their members to have some treats to help celebrate the New Year. First Selectman Fred Camillo stopped by to help, and Police Chief Jim Heavey and several Officers, plus the Senior Center staff, handed out over 150 New Year Goody Bags full of Asti Spumanti, snacks and chocolates, as well as warm blankets. The Drive-Thru was contactless and members were happy to see everyone in person, shouting “Happy New Year!”
The Greenwich Senior Center, located at 299 Greenwich Avenue, has been closed since the beginning of the pandemic in March. People lined up in their cars to pick up their goodies at the front door in the Senior Center Circle, as police and staff placed the bags and blankets in their cars. Safe distancing was practiced and masks were mandatory for everyone.
Trying to encourage social connection through digital or outdoor classes and drive-thru events plus providing resources when needed, can help reduce isolation, an important part of the Greenwich Senior Center’s mission during the pandemic. They have become a virtual Senior Center, offering groceries and meals, virtual and outdoor fitness classes, regular Zoom sessions with Fred Camillo and other special guests, livestreaming concerts, music and cultural talks, trivia and nostalgia games, Italian classes, and weekly walks at Cos Cob Park, weather permitting.
If you are an older resident of Greenwich, here are ways for you to be socially connected:
Confused by Zoom? Get Technology Help
For older adults who need free, basic, one-on-one help with their computer, smartphone or laptop, they can sign up and a Greenwich Country Day School volunteer will contact them to assist. Email cpg@gcds.net or call (203) 863-5653.
Join a free live Zoom session for Older Adults:
The CONNECTT program is a collaborative effort with Greenwich Country Day School and offer daily programs on your computer, tablet or phone.
For the Daily Schedule and to click to connect, go to the Greenwich Commission on Aging website page on the Town of Greenwich website: