Why Small Businesses Matter in Greenwich: Thoroughspect


Why Small Businesses Matter

Shop small, do big things for your community

Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story.

You're IT Thoroughspect!

Three questions with Brian M. Sweig, owner of Thoroughspect.

Why did you start your business?

I started Thoroughspect in 1998 so people had a better option than poison for their rodent control as nothing good comes from using poison. No matter what your rodent problem may be including mice, flying squirrels or bats Thoroughspect can seal your home so these nuisance pests cannot get inside your Greenwich Connecticut home. 

Finish this sentence in regard to your business. “I wish I could…”

I wish I could make it harder for companies to get licenses to use pesticides and rodenticides as there is little regard for the damage they do to nontarget wildlife and waterways as well as families being put at risk for contact with these products.

What is your best selling product/service?

Total Home Rodent and Bat Exclusion is our best seller! People don't want to live with critters in their homes and don’t want poisons when they learn of the choices.

Visit Thoroughspect online www.THESEALER.com or call 203-800-3887.

Living rodent free will change your life!®

HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!

Submitted by Cos Cob, CT

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