Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT Aurora By Jacqueline Design!
Three questions with Jacqueline Loiacono, founder of Aurora By Jacqueline Design.
Why did you start your business?
I established my business in 2018 when I became dissatisfied with the Public Education system of New York where I was a Special Education Teacher for the Department of Education. I could not teach my students as creatively, socially, and emotionally appropriate as they should and deserve to be taught. I was also depriving myself of the creative outlet that I needed to grow and thrive for my own mental health.
I became an ABA Therapist for children with Autism and Aurora By Jacqueline Design Company and Blog was born out of the love of making a house a home. My motto is "Home is not a place, but a feeling furnished by the heart." I wanted to show others that creating a home is not as difficult or as pricey as we fear it to be, but surrounding ourselves with objects and pieces that tell our life story and give love to old pieces of furniture to help us love the home we have again. I took a break to go back into the classroom for the next two years and then when COVID happened, I realized how much I missed making Aurora my passion for daily life and work.
I believe that just like Cinderella, I could wake up and humbly take pride in making my house a haven for me to love while being stuck inside during the world's pandemic while helping others do the same. To learn to love your home again is to learn to love yourself and realize you shouldn't be living in anything less than what gives you comfort, happiness, and contentment.
What is your best-selling product/service?
My best-selling product or service is furniture refurbishing. I love to find old pieces of furniture and show others that all they need is a little pick-me-up, some paint, some love, and some care to make them feel and look new again. Most of my clients have been from referrals of furniture refurbishing clients. I try to teach them how they are able to love their favorite pieces again by just doing a few simple steps.
Have you "reimagined" your small business?
I have definitely "reimagined" my small business as I wait for the current school year to end and I can fully develop my future and my dream of growing my small baby business into something I can be proud of in order to help my community. When my husband and I moved to Cos Cob from New York right before our wedding, this May of 2021, we had dreamed of a slower-paced life where we could start our family in this new beautiful town.
While he is a School Psychologist and me, still a private tutor would be able to live happily and healthily doing what we love. I would hope to have a small storefront and woodshop one day where I could sell my pieces of furniture and consult with customers on how to help them love their homes again.
Jacqueline nominates Greenwich True Value Hardware Store to be featured next - "They were so helpful to me when we moved as we had to return our U-Haul truck to their location as a drop-off point. I can't wait to work with them on all my woodworking and design needs!"
Visit Aurora By Jacqueline Design online here, and make sure to check out their Facebook and Instagram pages as well!
HamletHub thanks Fairfield County Bank for making our Why Small Businesses Matter series possible!