Mayor Boughton and the City of Danbury have launched a Façade Improvement Grant Program in the City of Danbury’s Downtown Revitalization Zone (DRZ) in order to incentivize and bolster the private development already occurring in our city center.
“This initiative is one more plank of our plan for Danbury’s future,” said Mayor Boughton.
The maximum amount of any grant is $10,000.00 (with a maximum of $50,000.00 per property) or 50% of the total façade improvement costs, whichever is less. The reimbursement grants are on a first-come basis. The façade grant budget was previously funded through the Capital Improvement Program.
“Over the last several years, we’ve seen incredible movement in the city center. By enacting this piece of our downtown plan, we hope to provide current/prospective property and business owners the opportunity to improve their storefront, which will have a modeling effect throughout our city,” the Mayor added.
The DRZ includes Main Street from Elmwood Place to Franklin Street, as well as the areas of Ives Street and Lee Hartell Drive. (To see the full overlay, please refer to the Façade Improvement Grant Program Guidelines found at the link below and on the Permit Center homepage). Eligibility requirements for property owners, tenants and prospective purchasers are in the Program Guidelines.
The application and Program Guidelines for the Façade Grant Program is available on the City of Danbury website:
Applications must be completed and returned to the Permit Center in City Hall.