Creativity Connects Danbury: Meet Shelley Lowell, Visual Artist and Poet

Creativity Connects Danbury

What fuels a vibrant, connected and creative community? What makes people feel good about living in Danbury?

When locals share the creativity that they uncover in the nooks and crannies of their community it brings about connectivity and makes us all feel good.

Believe it or not, you discover creativity every day as you walk, shop, work, and play in Danbury. 

Creativity connects us.

Meet Danbury resident Shelley Lowell, visual artist and poet.

Tell us about an organization in your town that makes you feel good

I enjoy the concerts at the Danbury Music Centre. It is an excellent organization, giving many fabulous musicians the opportunity to play their instruments as well as encourage young musicians to develop their skills. And the public reaps the benefits of hearing fabulous music. Danbury Music Centre is one of the cultural gems of Danbury. The concerts are always uplifting and feed my soul. I truly have missed the live concerts due to the Covid restrictions and I hope they will resume soon. Listening to classical music is my first choice when creating.

Where do you go for inspiration and creativity?

Nature serves as my constant creative inspiration. The nature that surrounds Danbury is stunning, whether I explore Candlewood Lake, Tarrywile Park, Bear Mountain Reservation, or other trails in the area. There are many places here to get a dose of inspiration from nature.

I go to surrounding towns for my creative venues. In Ridgefield, I visit the Ridgefield Guild of Artists. I have been in quite a few juried shows there. In addition, I have performed my poetry at The Ridgefield Theater Barn and have enjoyed some excellent plays there as well. I also love the Aldrich Museum.

In Brookfield, there is the Brookfield Craft Center which has always been a favorite of mine to visit, purchase items and get inspired. The Brookfield Town Hall has monthly artist exhibits sponsored by the Brookfield Arts Commission/Friends of the Arts. In 2018, I had a one-person show there of forty of my paintings with their poems. I have gone to Silvermine Art Center in New Canaan and the Katonah Art Museum in Katonah to get creative inspiration. Bruce Museum in Greenwich is also outstanding for a creative shot in the arm!

Creativity Connects Danbury made possible by LIFEWTR.

The views and opinions expressed above are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of HamletHub or LIFEWTR.

Submitted by Danbury, CT

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