Volunteers Needed to Help Hospitals and Community Providers in Connecticut with COVID-19 Response

The current COVID-19 public health emergency is creating a labor crisis for health care facilities and nonprofits across the state that serve vulnerable people on the frontlines. Medical and non-medical volunteers are needed to help health care facilities and community providers continue to provide crucial services.

Medical Volunteers

Connecticut's hospitals, nursing homes and medical facilities are in need of medical volunteers. Governor Ned Lamont is urging anyone with experience in healthcare to register on the CTResponds! volunteer registry.

CTResponds! is the State of Connecticut’s web-based medical volunteer management system. This system helps to maintain a registry of volunteers’ skills and credentials available within the state, and helps communities match available resources to an emergency event.

Medical volunteers can register HERE.

Non-Medical Volunteers

Frontline nonprofits – particularly food banks/pantries, meal delivery services, and homeless shelters – are seeing a marked increase in demand for their services.

CT Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (CT VOAD), United Way of Connecticut, and the Office of the Governor have created a Disaster Assistance and Response Technology (DART) volunteer database – “CT DART”.

This data base allows nonprofits to register their needs; volunteers to sign up, and matches to be made between the two to source new labor to support the frontline nonprofits through this crisis.

Non-Medical Volunteers can register HERE.

You should not volunteer if you are at risk or compromised

If you are immunocompromised, over 60, are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or live with or care for someone in any of those categories, you should avoid being in public – including for volunteer efforts. Please stay safe, stay home.

Learn more about Connecticut’s Volunteer Needs: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Information-For/Volunteers

Submitted by Danbury, CT

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