Why Small Businesses Matter
Shop small, do big things for your community
Why Small Businesses Matter puts a spotlight on the local merchants who donate their time, talent, goods, and services for the betterment of our community. The shop local movement spreads virally as local businesses who are “tagged” have the opportunity to share their story!
You're IT Jones Green Design!
Three questions with Stephen Jones, Principal, Jones Green Design, LLC.
Why did you start your business?
In 2004 I was traveling throughout the US as a project leader in the design and branding of next-generation retail stores and restaurants. I had taken a number of architecture courses in college but graduated with a BA in English Lit from Queens University and a Bachelor of Industrial Design from Syracuse University. Although I was always drawn to architecture, I could not afford to spend another three years in college plus a five-year apprenticeship to get my architectural certification.
In 2005, I started doing residential design for friends and neighbors while I was recuperating from a two-story fall onto a stone terrace. My clients and I were so delighted with my residential design work, that I developed a “work-around” for the lack of an AIA certification. I taught myself CAD, learned the business and became a “professional residential designer” using a quiver of licensed third-party engineers to certify my plans. I had to go above and beyond to earn the respect of my clients and town officials. Today I have designed more than a hundred and twenty major remodels and custom homes throughout Fairfield County and beyond.
I wish I could do more through home design to improve the homes, well-being and equity of local homeowners. It is a time-intensive mission with diverse clients and projects that require the talent, experience and dedication of a custom-tailored team to bring their dream homes to life.
Do you use any local businesses to support your business? Can you name them?
I provide consulting, design, expediting and project management services for major remodels and custom homes. A client once described me as the “Swiss Army Knife” of home design. What I do engages over a hundred local suppliers and professionals. Note that I am in the process of repositioning and rebranding my existing residential design firm of “Jones Green Design” as “Hatley Homes Design”. Stay tuned.
Jones Green Design tags Brooks Hrusa of Rings End Lumber of Darien.
Visit Jones Green Design online here.