Darien Community Association focuses on future of technology and geopolitics in upcominig Global Issues speaker series

The Darien Community Association (DCA) announced today the topic of its annual Global Issues Speaker Series entitled, “Technology and Geopolitics: What’s Ahead?” 

Since 1956, the series has featured four-morning lectures and one evening lecture that focus on a current geopolitical “hotspot.” From cyber security and digital misinformation to privacy and AI, this year’s experts will tackle some of the biggest challenges in our future. 

“Whether we believe that emerging technologies will be a boom for us or will doom us, there will be plenty to discuss at the Darien Community Association’s annual Global Issues Speaker Series,”  said Speaker Series Committee co-chairs, Mary Genco and Kate Larson. “The DCA will host experts who will guide us through geopolitical challenges as emerging technologies continue to shake up the global world order.”

  • Thursday, 1/11 - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Josephine Wolff, Associate Professor of Cybersecurity Policy at The Fletcher School at Tufts University, “International Cyber Conflict: Past, Present, and Future”

  • Thursday, 1/18 - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Zack Cooper, Senior Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), “How Technology is Changing the Face of War”

  • Tuesday, 1/23 - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Paul Scharre, Executive Vice President and Director of Studies at Center for A New American Security (CNAS), “Artificial Intelligence”

  • Thursday 2/1 - 10:00-11:30 a.m. Sarah Cook, Senior Advisor for China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan at Freedom House, “Beijing’s Global Media Influence: Key trends, Emerging Tactics and Their Implications”

  • Wednesday 2/7 - 7:30 reception, 8:00-9:30 p.m. Samm Sacks, Senior Fellow at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center, “U.S. - China Relations & The Geopolitics of Data Flows”

Since 1956, the DCA Global Issues Speaker Series, formerly known as the Academic Lecture Series, has brought topical issues in focus, offering attendees first-hand knowledge of pressing global issues. In past years topics have been wide ranging and speakers have included government officials, journalists, scholars, and representatives from many research institutions. 

All lectures are followed by a Q&A session with the expert. For more information and to purchase individual or series tickets, please visit dariendca.org.

Submitted by Darien, CT

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