Darien News: Budget, Bulk Pickup, Town Flag Survey, Sidewalks on Leroy Ave


On Tuesday, March 11th, the Board of Finance held a Public Hearing to receive feedback regarding the Board of Selectmen and Board of Education budgets. The meeting can be viewed on Darien’s TV79Over the next three weeks, the Board of Finance will review both budgets and is expected to vote and finalize the budget and mill rate at its meeting on April 8th.


The Town of Darien offers free bulk pickup to residents once a year each spring. Pickup is on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from April 1, 2025, to June 11, 2025, for residences on public streets. Items are limited to those too large for transport by passenger car or SUV. An appointment for pickup must be scheduled in advance. Each residence is restricted to a single pickup per calendar year. Debris must be placed at the curb by 7:00 AM on the day of the scheduled pickup.

Residents are urged to utilize the Town’s website and customer service software system to schedule pickup appointments. Detailed scheduling and pickup information can be found under "How Do I" and then “Spring Bulk Pickup” on the main page.


The process of considering a new Town flag design is still underway. The new survey, which incorporates feedback from the initial survey, is open for responses through Sunday, March 16th. This new survey serves to further gauge the level of support for change, introduce new designs based on the emails and comments of citizens, and re-test support for the most popular designs, including the original flag. Resident input is welcome and can be provided either by completing the survey or by emailing Harris Cavanna.  


The Town of Darien will begin sidewalk replacement on West Avenue between the intersections of Herman Avenue and Leroy Avenue, on or about Monday, March 24, 2025. Work will begin at Leroy Avenue and progress towards Herman Avenue and is expected to take approximately 6 months. The sidewalk will be constructed of concrete and will include handicap ramps at intersections. The area will remain open to traffic. Darien Police or other traffic personnel will be on-site during construction. Please feel free to contact the Town of Darien Department of Public Works at 203-656-7346 or on our website at darienct.govThe blue line in the aerial photo below represents the location of the planned sidewalk replacement on the North side of West Avenue. 


Email Ali Ramsteck to register.


The sale of 2025 beach stickersis underway through the Parks and Recreation page on the Town website. Stickers can also be purchased in the Parks and Recreation office, Room 110 at Town Hall, or via the mail. Beach stickers are required at Weed Beach starting April 15th and Pear Tree Point Beach on May 23rd. As a reminder, 2024 stickers are valid through May 31, 2025.


Results from the Kayak/Paddleboard lottery will be available on Monday, March 17th. Selected residents have 10 business days to submit the $200.00 payment in full. If no payment is received, the space will be assigned to the next person on the waiting list as selected during the lottery. If a payment is not received, registrants will be ineligible to register again the following season.

Please visit the Parks and Recreation Department webpage with questions.  

Submitted by Town of Darien

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