Last year, Harris Cavanna, currently a senior at Darien High School, reached out to Darien First Selectman Jon Zagrodzky with an idea to redesign the Town Flag, which has remained unchanged for many years. The existing flag, a white banner featuring the Town logo in the center, is a familiar sight at Town Hall and other locations.
Harris developed several design concepts and discussed them in detail with First Selectman Zagrodzky. He then collaborated with a graphic artist to transform these ideas into several potential flag designs. In November, Harris presented these designs to the Board of Selectmen, who encouraged him to gather broader community input.
To assist in selecting the best design, a survey has been created, featuring each flag option, including the current design. Town residents are encouraged to participate by rating each of the nine designs on a scale of 1 (awful) to 10 (love it). The survey will remain open until the end of the day on Friday, January 31st. Once the survey closes, Harris will compile the results and share the findings with the community.