Thirty-three Darien residents were honored for their contributions in and around the town at The Community Fund of Darien’s 43rd Annual Volunteer celebration, held on April 21st at the DCA.
Janet King, TCF’s Executive Director, welcomed the more than 140 guests and Darien’s First Selectman Monica McNally recognized the honorees with a proclamation to signal the importance of volunteering. Ned Saunders of Brown, Stevens, Harris and Kristina Gregory of Cross Private Insurance then presented each of the “unsung heroes” and their accomplishments to the audience. Friends and family enjoyed the post-ceremony reception with light fare provided by Carolyn’s Absolutely Fabulous Events.
“TCF’s volunteer celebration is my favorite night of the year!” enthused King. “We were so excited to invite the entire town to come out and publicly acknowledge these amazing Darien residents who donate their considerable skills to benefit our local community.”
Since 1979, The Community Fund of Darien has recognized more than 600 Darien residents who selflessly give of their time and talent.
Individual profiles of each honoree are available to view at www.communityfunddarien.org. This year’s honorees are:
Outstanding Emerging Volunteer
Lucy Brennan Open Doors
Hannah P. Gunn Child Guidance Center of Southern CT
Alexis Lyons Darien 2020 Bicentennial Committee
Outstanding Adult Volunteer
Diane Boston The Mather Homestead Foundation
Michael Cattano Darien YMCA
Carolyn Cavolo Darien Arts Center
Elizabeth FitzPatrick Building One Community
Kristine Gould A Better Chance In Darien
Kerrie Kelley Darien Foundation
Bob Marchesi Star
Laura Mosher Darien Book Aid
Rita McKenna Olson Family and Children's Agency
Ann Reed Town of Darien
Deepika Saksena Darien Nature Center
Amy Sarbinowski Darien Land Trust
Kathleen Sartorius Family Centers
Shannon Silsby Darien 2020 Bicentennial Committee
Jenny Tarleton The Depot Youth Center
Natasha Tomai Boys & Girls Club of Stamford
Terrie Van de Graaf Darien Community Association
Mary Beth Wright The Domestic Violence Crisis Center
Outstanding Senior Volunteer
Cathy Heyne Family Centers
Michael LeMoult At Home In Darien
Al Miller Museum of Darien
Donn Smith The Mather Homestead Foundation
Alec Wiggin Future Five
Outstanding Volunteer Duo
Jessica Cahill and Celeste Marsh The Community Fund of Darien
Joan and Paul Ellis Person-to-Person
Outstanding Volunteer Team
The Strategy Group Kids In Crisis
- Karen Brennan, Debra W. Hertz and Sarah Neuman
The Community Fund of Darien (TCF) inspires people and mobilizes resources to strengthen our community. Its vision is for all community members to have the opportunity to reach their full potential as healthy, educated, and self-sufficient individuals. TCF initiates solutions, builds collaborations, and implements and supports programs to strengthen youth, adults and families for lasting and positive impact in Darien, Norwalk and Stamford. Since its founding in 1951, TCF has distributed over $20 million to local nonprofit organizations and community initiatives. More information can be found at www.communityfunddarien.org.