Darien’s Monuments and Ceremonies Commission will partner with Darien’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #6933 to host Darien’s annual Flag Day Ceremony on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at 5 PM at Veterans Circle in front of the Darien Town Hall. Led by M&C Commission Vice Chairman, Terry Gaffney and VFW Commander, Lenny Hunter, veterans and residents will recite the poem,” I Am Your Flag.”
State Representative, Terrie Wood is again sponsoring a flag collection to “Retire Your Worn American Flags,” from May 29th to June 14th. Drop off locations for tattered worn flags include the Darien Library, VFW Post #6933, and the Darien Town Hall. These flags will be disposed of with respect and dignity.
Town Selectmen and the VFW Color Guard will participate as old flags are collected and retired and a new flag is presented and hung on the Town Hall Flagpole. Town and State officials, Girl and Boy Scouts and first responders have been invited to attend this ceremony. The public is encouraged to attend.