Darien High School Announces Workshop Requirement for Sports & Activity Participation

Darien High School has informed parents and students that a workshop is required for fall sport, club, and activity participation.
Topics will include: the impact of illegal substances on brain functioning and possible medical/psychological concerns, potential legal ramifications and the “voice” or story of alcohol and drug addiction. We are confident that these presentations, led by top professionals in their respective fields of study, will be of the highest quality.
Darien High School Principal, Ellen Dunn explains, "The Darien Public Schools continues to believe that we must do everything possible to support our students in making good decisions. In an effort to utilize education as a tool for change, we will be requiring all students (and at least one parent/guardian) who plan to participate in extracurricular (all club related activities such as Model UN, Theatre 308 , and Debate Club) or athletic activities in grades 9-12 to attend one workshop related to the use of illegal substances. Attendance is required once a school year and the workshop must be completed by the student and guardian prior to participation in the extracurricular or athletic activity (with the exception of the fall season, which must be completed prior to September 19, 2017)."

Read the full letter from Principal Ellen Dunn.

One session covers all activities and athletics for the school year. Students who wish to participate in any activity or athletics during the school year must attend one session with a parent or legal guardian. There will be additional workshops offered before the winter and spring, but students who wait for those will not to be eligible to participate in any extra-curricular activity or athletics until the workshop is completed.

Workshops will take place at DHS Auditorium and will be offered on the following dates/times:

  • August 23, 2017 (Wednesday), 7:15-9:00pm
  • August 29, 2017 (Tuesday), 7:15-9:00pm
  • September 16, 2017 (Saturday), 8:30-10:15am
  • September 19, 2017(Tuesday), 7:15-9:00pm

The student must sign-up in advance; click here for sign-up link to attend one of the dates above.

In order to participate in any fall activity or athletics a student must attend one of these sessions no later than September 19, 2017.  

Read the full letter from Principal Ellen Dunn.

Submitted by Darien, CT

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