Fairfield, CT -- Never say never. The Town of Fairfield's Keith Rhodes has announced that David Pollack, the owner of the Community Theatre, has agreed to sell the property. The site has been shuttered for years and has rapidly been falling into disrepair.
"During the past three weeks, I have spoken several times to David Gorbach, President, Colonial Realty and representative for David Pollack as it relates to the Community Theatre, and on each occasion David has confirmed David Pollack's full intention to sell the property that includes the Fairfield Community Theatre," stated Rhodes in a communication to supporters of a petition through Change.com to save and revitalize the historic downtown Fairfield landmark.
"While I've been waiting on specific details to make a formal announcement, Mr. Gorbach once again informed me late last week that that they are making final preparations for sale and that I could go ahead and make an announcement to the community and petitioners. I still do not have final timing, but I understand that it's only a matter of days or weeks before the listing is formalized and announced. It is my understanding that they will pursue sale through an Request for Proposal and sealed bid process," Rhodes commented.
"We are delighted with this announcement and our ability as a community to show how important the Fairfield Community Theatre is to all of us. We are also thankful and indebted to David Pollack and the Pollack Family Trust for the Pollack family's contribution to the town of Fairfield and for their support in helping the community build a vision for the future of Fairfield - for our children, community and the local economy," Rhodes added.
Once the property is formally listed for sale, Rhodes vowed to share another update. Until then, he urged supporters to "keep the conversation and the dream alive!"
#SaveTheCommunity. Spread the word.
To reach Keith Rhodes or learn more, email: mail@keithrhodes.com