Fairfield, CT – The Fairfield Chamber of Commerce recently presented its seventh annual Fairfield Emerging Leaders Organization (FELO) Scholarship Awards, honoring one graduating senior from Fairfield Warde and Fairfield Ludlowe High Schools, who plan to further their studies in the area of Business and Finance.
The 2021 FELO Scholarship Awards were presented to Conor Ortega of Fairfield Warde High School, and Griffin Boyle, of Fairfield Ludlowe High School. Both students maintained standards of excellence throughout their four years of high school, revealed a strong interest in business, and embodied excellent volunteer and leadership qualities.
Conor Ortega will attend UCONN and major in Business and Finance. While in high school, Conor started a few successful businesses, not surprisingly, as he comes from a long line of entrepreneurs. Conor quoted Benjamin Franklin, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” He realizes that a college education in business will equip him with the tools he needs to run a highly successful business. With a never quit attitude, and in addition to working 10 hours a week, Conor also found time to play four years of soccer, was in the concert and jazz bands, plus the wind ensemble.
Griffin Boyle will attend San Diego State University and major in Business. Throughout his years in high school, Griffin demonstrated a natural interest in business, with a focus on the financial investment sector. Griffin also became an exceptional athlete, and he was named All FCIAC in Cross Country and helped his team win State Championships. Griffin also exhibited strong character and leadership qualities in many clubs, understands the value of community give-back, and completed 100 hours of community service in a 12-month period. He knows there is a direct correlation between hard work and results … and knows that this is a skill he will be able to utilize the rest of his life in all areas, not only in college, but beyond.
The Fairfield Chamber of Commerce and FELO congratulate these already accomplished students, wishing them much success and happiness as they move next into their college years and throughout their career. While there was not an opportunity for the Chamber and FELO to give them their scholarships in person this year due to Covid protocols, the Chamber was very happy that it could still provide the scholarships, even during these difficult times, noted Beverly A. Balaz, President of the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce. “The Chamber’s support of our local graduates through these FELO scholarships enables our business community to be a part of each student’s college success.” Balaz added, “Business is a great college major, and mastering basic business principles, whether in finance, marketing, sales, operations, etc., create skills that can be applied to any business or industry, whether entrepreneurial or corporate.”
FELO which is part of the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce, is an emerging leaders’ group, whose goal is to network, share ideas, and discuss challenges to help them achieve success as they continue their career path towards more senior-level management positions. In addition to FELO’s many events, education, and professional development, ‘community give-back’ is core to its mission.
During the fiscal year of July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021, Zahya Beall, AAMS, CIMA, Financial Advisor at Moneco Advisors, held the position of FELO Chair. Zahya states:
“On the behalf of our entire Fairfield Emerging Leaders Org (FELO) committee and membership, we’d like to congratulate our graduates, Conor and Griffin, on the hard work that earned them the FELO scholarship. We’re excited to be a part of their journey towards a fulfilling college experience and a successful future ahead."
FELO members regularly host events to help raise money for the FELO Scholarship Awards.
For more information about FELO, please contact the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce: 203-255-1011 or email the Chamber President Beverly Balaz: Beverly@FairfieldCTChamber.com.
Pictured: Griffin Boyle and Conor Ortega.