Bridgeport, CT - Boys & Girls Village (BGV), a leader in providing mental health treatment, permanency planning as well as educational and vocational services for Connecticut’s most vulnerable youth, announced a $30,000 gift from the estate of Anthony G. Zanavich, a retired teacher.
The bequest will provide support for the organization, including its Charles F. Hayden School, a special education facility that provides comprehensive educational and clinical treatment services for at-risk youth. Additionally, the school’s new Vocational Learning Center prepares older youth with training to find jobs and prepares them for successful adulthoods.
Zanavich, a resident of Waterbury, Connecticut, worked as a teacher for the City of Waterbury Department of Education for over 25 years until his retirement from Wilby High School. As a former teacher, Boys & Girls Village’s mission of helping at-risk children resonated. A visit with Dr. Steven Kant, the organization’s former CEO, helped Zanavich to learn more about how the organization changes lives.
“As an educator, Tony was passionate about young adults being on the right path and happy to support the mission of Boys & Girls Village,” said Anne Morrissey, executrix for the Anthony Zanavich estate.
“As an attorney, it is a good opportunity for people that are looking to make donations to include nonprofits such as Boys & Girls Village in their estate,” said Joseph Tramuta, who managed Zanavich’s estate planning and is a longtime BGV board member. “In this case the gift was a bequest, but stock or other financial instruments can also be left to an organization.”
"These funds will help the youth we serve throughout the state to overcome obstacles and build brighter futures," said Kim Shaunesey, Ph.D., President & CEO of Boys & Girls Village. "We are grateful to Mr. Zanavich for his foresight and his willingness to strengthen the foundation of Connecticut’s most vulnerable youth and their families.”
To learn more about Boys & Girls Village, visit BGVillage.org or call 203-877-0300. To learn how you can include Boys & Girls Village in your estate planning, please contact Marie Palaccia at Pelacciam@bgvillage.org.